Remco Insurance - Almeda @ McCarthy, TX
7686 Alameda Ave, Suite A,,
El Paso, TX 79915
Phone:(915) 400-7551(512) 454-6000
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Monday - Friday 9AM - 7PM
Saturday and Sunday 10AM - 5PM |
Alameda County
Population, 93,864; pursuits, chiefly agricultural. Oakland the county seat, ranks third in the State in number of inhabitants. Considerable manufacturing is done in and about Oakland. Salt and beet-sugar manufacturing is carried on to a considerable extent in this county. Grain growing, grape culture, and fruit raising form the principal occupations of the inhabitants, though stock-raising and general agricultural pursuits are carried on to a large extent. Alameda County contains the State University, situated at Berkeley, besides many other important educational institutions. The taxable property for 1891 was $85,223,428. Alameda, pop. 10,500
How much will it cost to insure your car, belongings or business? There are lots of factors that go into the answer. The best way to get a quote is to click here or call us at (915) 400-7551(512) 454-6000.
We want to be your auto insurance agent in Airport@ Mescalero DR.

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