There are many ways to make your auto insurance policy more fitting to your specific needs. Endorsements or add-on policies are often beneficial because they extend the amount of coverage you get. One of the ways you may wish to do this is through a full glass coverage endorsement. This simply means it is in addition to the current base car insurance plan you have. Take a closer look at how this type of insurance can help you.
What is It?
Full glass coverage added to your auto insurance plan may help to pay the amount cost to repair your broken glass. It may do this without you having to pay the deductible first. It is an optional component to car insurance. You can add it to your plan at any time in most cases. It is not available in all states, but in most cases is available to those who own a vehicle.
Why Should You Consider Full Glass Coverage? 
The biggest difference associated with this type of insurance and your comprehensive plan is the deductible component. Comparatively, comprehensive auto insurance, the type you may already have, may cover the loss of your glass after a covered incident. However, you could have to pay your deductible first. Often times your deductible will be more than the cost to repair the glass, making it no beneficial to even file a claim.
However, full glass coverage does not require a deductible to be paid at all. For example, if you are in an accident and your window breaks, the coverage will pay for the glass repair or replacement without any out of pocket cost. Keep in mind that there can be an upper limit of this type of policy. As long as your claim does not extend beyond that point, the policy pays for your glass repairs to occur.
If you operate your vehicle frequently, drive a great deal on highways or are otherwise operating it in a high-risk situation where you are likely to have damage to the glass at some point, it makes sense to add this coverage to your auto insurance plan. It can help to keep you on the road even when your windshield is broken.
Are you covered? Call Remco Insurance at 800-282-2000 for more information on auto insurance.
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