Both seasoned and new gardeners alike look forward to planting during springtime. Whether you’re just starting your new hobby or simply looking for some innovative tricks, these ten tips will help your green thumb glow a little bit brighter.
1. Before gardening, swipe your fingernails across a bar of soap to seal the undersides of your nails. This prevents dirt from accumulating beneath your nails and it easily washes off once you’re done gardening for the day. 
2. If you haven’t already, start a compost bin and throw in organic materials from your yard, such as grass clippings and weeds. Water and turn regularly for faster decomposition.
3. Weed your yard. It’s a tedious task so it may help to section off your yard and do a little bit each day until it’s done.
4. Clear your planting area of any rocks or debris. Add a layer of compost or another fertilizer on top of your soil and cultivate it 8 to 12 inches with a spading fork.
5. Cover young plants with small clay pots to protect them from any lingering cold weather, particularly overnight.
6. Spread coffee grounds and used tea leaves around the base of acid-loving plants—azaleas, camellias, gardenias etc.—once a month to keep the soil pH level slightly acidic.
7. Calcium-deficient soil can cause blossom end rot, particularly in your veggies. Finely grind up some egg shells and sprinkle them in the holes as you plant to prevent rot.
8. Use your cooking water to give your plants extra nutrients. When you boil veggies or potatoes, let the water cool and then water your plants with it.
9. Water your plants with weak chamomile tea a few times per week to prevent fungal and bacterial infections that can occur during spring.
10. If you’re able to, try planting at night to maximize your initial watering. Some experts say that night gardening helps plants grow faster and stronger.
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